Below is a list of common essential oils and their benefits.
*Uses: bb=bath&body; D=diffuser; ir=insect repellent; fr=flea repellent; i=incense; c=cleansing, h=healing; m=massage; ha=headaches;
Bergamot - Encouraging, Anti-Depressant, Balances. (bb, d)
Cedarwood - Calming, Comforting, Strengthening (bb, d, fr)
Cinnamon - Stimulates, Creativity, Anti-Depressant (bb, d, i)
Citronella - Optimism (ir)
Cypress - Mental Powers (bb, d)
Eucalyptus - Stimulant, Mental Focus (ir, bb, d)
Geranium - Calming, Balancing, Anti-Depressant, PMS (bb, d)
Ginger - Strengthens, Warms the Spirit (bb, d)
Grapefruit - Anti-Depressant, Energizing, Strenthens Spirit, Raises Self Esteem (bb, d, oily skin care)
Lavender - Calming, Balancing, Strengthening, Stimulating, Healing, PMS (ir, bb, oily skin care, dry skin care, i)
Lemon - Clarity, Calming, Mental Powers (c, h, bb, d)
Lemon Grass - Invigorating, Refreshing, Relaxing, Calming (bb, d)
Lime - Stimulates, Strengthens (bb, d)
Mandarin - Calming, Relaxing (bb, d)
Orange - Relaxing, Balancing, Stimulating, Sensual (bb, d)
Patchouli - Aphrodisiac (bb, d)
Peppermint - Mental Clarity (bb, d)
Pine - Strengthening (d)
Rose Geranium - Removes Sadness & Fear (bb, d)
Rosemary - Uplifting, Courage, Mental Stimulant, Strength (bb, d, m, ha)
Rue - Dispels Negativity, Purification (d, i)
Sage - Cleanses, Balances, Strengthens (bb)
Tangerine - Eases Tensions, Soothes (bb, d)
Lemon Verbena - Calms, Improves Concentration (bb, d)
Vetivert - Grounding, Regenerative, Strengthening, Luck (bb, d)
Wisteria - Calls Aid From Higher Spiritual Forces (bb, d)
Ylang-Ylang - Balances, Strengthens Spirit, Aphrodisiac, Magnetic (bb, d)
Find a great chart HERE for more information.
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